Случайная статья
Патриция Кеннели и Джим Моррисон познакомились в январе 1969 года в отеле «Плаза» в Нью-Йорке на...

Crawling King Snake

Well, I'm the Crawlin' King Snake

And I rule my den.

I'm the Crawlin' King Snake

And I rule my den.

Yeah, don't mess 'round with my mate -

Gonna use her for myself.

Caught me crawlin', baby,

When the grass is very high.

I keep on crawlin' till the day I die.

Crawlin' King Snake

And I rule my den.

You better give me what I want -

Gonna crawl no more.

Caught me crawlin*, baby,

Crawlin' 'round your door.

See anything I want

I'm gonna crawl on your floor.

Let's crawl

And I rule my den.

C'mon, give me what I want -

Ain't gonna crawl no more.

Ah, let's crawl a while!

C'mon crawl,

C'mon crawl,

Get on out there on your hands and knees, baby,

Crawl all over me

Just like the spider on the wall

Ooh, we're gonna crawl, one more.

Well, I'm the Crawlin' King Snake

And I rule my den.

Call me the Crawlin' King Snake

And I rule my den.

Yeah, don't mess 'round with my mate -

Gonna use her for myself.

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