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Джим Моррисон, фронтмен группы The Doors рассказал историю создания обложки для альбома "Strange...

Wishful Sinful

Wishful, crystal

Watercovers ev'rything in blue

Cooling water.

Wishful, sinful,

Our love is beautiful to see,

I know where I would like to be:

Right back where I came.

Wishful sinful wicked blue

Water covers you.

Wishful sinful wicked you,

Can't escape the blue,

Magic rising

Sun is shining deep beneath the sea

But not enough for you and me and sunshine.

Love to hear the wind cry.

Wishful, sinful,

Our love is beautiful to see,

I know where I would like to be:

Right back where I came.

Wishful sinful wicked blue

Water covers you.

Wishful sinful wicked you,

Can't escape the blue.

Love to hear the wind cry,

Love to hear you cryin', yeah.

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